Offshore Engineer Podcast

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Podcast Series

  • Offshore Engineer E-mag 2023-05

    From fugitive methane emissions to carbon capture & storage to the advent of floating wind, OE examines the emerging solutions driving offshore energy operations toward net zero

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  • Offshore Engineer E-mag 2023-03

    New energy meets traditional energy offshore, as the industry navigates energy transition with the emergence of offshore wind, the evolution of hydrogen hubs and carbon capture and storage, while balancing the need to invest in oil and gas to ensure energy security.

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  • Offshore Engineer E-mag 2023-05

    From fugitive methane emissions to carbon capture & storage to the advent of floating wind, OE examines the emerging solutions driving offshore energy operations toward net zero

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  • Offshore Engineer E-mag 2023-03

    New energy meets traditional energy offshore, as the industry navigates energy transition with the emergence of offshore wind, the evolution of hydrogen hubs and carbon capture and storage, while balancing the need to invest in oil and gas to ensure energy security.

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OE podcast

Offshore Wind: Vessels

Energy Transition: What is an Offshore Vessel Operator to Do?

The energy transition is moving ahead amid recovery in offshore oil & gas and growth in offshore wind, leaving vessel owners that serve these markets with big questions about energy carrier and energy converter selection for their newbuilds.

By Philip Lewis, Director of Research, Intelatus Global Partners

Markets: Floating Production Vessels

The evolving FPSO landscape – healthy demand, changing procurement strategies

After a slowdown in activity during 2020/2021 due to soft commodity prices, demand for FPSOs is picking up.

By Obo Idornigie, VP Upstream Research at Welligence Energy

Markets: The Rig Market

The Rise of the Mighty Middle Eastern Jackup Market

It’s hard to believe that once upon a time the Middle Eastern jackup segment comprised of less than 60 units when today marketed supply sits just shy of three times that amount (180 units)

By Teresa Wilkie; Director RigLogix

Offshore Wind: Vessels

Energy Transition: What is an Offshore Vessel Operator to Do?

The energy transition is moving ahead amid recovery in offshore oil & gas and growth in offshore wind, leaving vessel owners that serve these markets with big questions about energy carrier and energy converter selection for their newbuilds.

By Philip Lewis, Director of Research, Intelatus Global Partners

Markets: Floating Production Vessels

The evolving FPSO landscape – healthy demand, changing procurement strategies

After a slowdown in activity during 2020/2021 due to soft commodity prices, demand for FPSOs is picking up.

By Obo Idornigie, VP Upstream Research at Welligence Energy

Markets: The Rig Market

The Rise of the Mighty Middle Eastern Jackup Market

It’s hard to believe that once upon a time the Middle Eastern jackup segment comprised of less than 60 units when today marketed supply sits just shy of three times that amount (180 units)

By Teresa Wilkie; Director RigLogix