DEEP DIVE: MTR Explores Subsea Technology

As the blue economy grows globally, Marine Technology Reporter - with the world's largest audited subsea audience - offers insights and analysis from leaders and innovators in ocean and subsea commerce, defense and academia.

Marine Technology Reporter Podcast

One on One with Simon Partridge, Chairman, Covelya Group

More than 50 years ago, Simon Partridge’s father started Sonardyne in the family home, with “a test tank in the garden, a workshop in the garage and an electronics lab in the spare room.” Much has changed since 1971, and today Partridge serves as the chairman of Covelya Group, a $120 million umbrella organization for Sonardyne and its growing family of brand names in the subsea space, including Sonardyne, Wavefront, Chelsea Technologies, EIVA, Voyis and Forcys. MTR TV spoke with Partridge recently to discuss the future pace and direction of growth for the organization.

By Greg Trauthwein

Rick Spinrad Opens up on Subsea Tech, NOAA Priorities

This year’s ‘Number One Ocean Influencer’ is Rick Spinrad, Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere / NOAA Administrator, who describes in detail the technologies and challenges that will drive NOAA in the coming years.

By Greg Trauthwein

Up Close & Personal with Deep Ocean Explorer Robert D. Ballard

Robert Ballard, world-renowned pioneer in deep-ocean exploration, opens up as never before with a highly personal memoir "Into the Deep". In an interview with Marine Technology Reporter on the day the book hit the shelf, Ballard discusses his dyslexia, his family and the cavalcade of discoveries and technologies that have opened up the world of ocean exploration.

By Teresa Wilkie; Director RigLogix

SUT’s Steve Hall Discusses the Future of Ocean Discovery

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For more information on having your company featured on the "DEEP DIVE: MTR Explores Subsea Technology" podcast, contact Terry Breese:

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